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West Harptree Memorial Hall 

Booking Terms and Conditions

1. Use of the Village Hall.
Use of the Village Hall is subject to the following terms and the standard conditions incorporated in the hiring agreement. The right to refuse any application for the use of the Village Hall facilities is reserved by the Committee, as is the right to cancel bookings when the premises are deemed unsuitable for the intended use. We cannot guarantee that all the facilities laid out in sections 9 and 15 will be available.

The hirer must ensure that they understand the hire conditions for the time their booking applies. Updated Terms and Conditions for Booking are West Harptree Memorial Hall website. Hall | West Harptree Memorial Hall | West Harptree ( Booking requests should be made via the website. Booking | West Harptree Memorial Hall | West Harptree ( 

These Terms and Conditions for Booking apply to regular and ad-hoc hirers.
2. Payment.
Payment is in advance. Once the booking is placed via the website, an invoice will be emailed to the hirer and once full payment is made, the booking is then confirmed.  For large events or parties, we may ask for a breakage deposit of £100, which will be in addition to your hire payment.  Once we are satisfied that no damage or breakages have occurred, we will refund you the deposit, which will be no more than 7 days after the event.
3. Cancellation by the Hirer.
If you wish to cancel the booking, please email giving at least 24 hours notice for standard hire or 14 days notice for a large event. If notice to cancel the booking is within the 24-hour period and the Committee is unable to re-book, the Committee may, at their discretion, withhold part or all of the deposit or hire charge already paid.

4. Cancellation by The Committee.
The Village Hall Committee reserves the right to cancel a hiring by written notice (by letter, email, text message or any other form of communication) to the hirer in the event of the premises being required for use as a polling station for a parliamentary or local government election, by-election, referendum, a one off event or if the Village Hall. 

The Committee also reserves the right to cancel the booking if they reasonably consider that:
a) Such hiring may lead to a breach of the licensing conditions, or other legal or statutory requirements or,

b) Unlawful or unsuitable activities may take place at the premises as a result of the hiring or,

c) the Premises have become unfit for the use intended by the hirer, or

d) the hall is required as an emergency hub.
In any such case the hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any deposit or hire fees already paid, but the Village Hall shall not be liable for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages.
5. Maximum Capacity.
Those who hire the hall will be required to comply with the risk assessment set by the Memorial Hall Committee, a copy is available on request and on our website.  The recommended capacity is 100 people. 
6. Safety Requirements.
a) Obstructions must not be placed in the gangways or exits, or in front of the emergency exits which must be permanently available for exit.

b) Firefighting equipment shall be kept in its proper location and only used for its intended use. Under no circumstances should they be used for propping open doors. They should only be taken off the stands for the use for which they are intended. 

c) You must be familiar with the location of the fire exits and extinguishers before the hall is occupied and the manner of opening fire doors should be made known to your group or guests.

d) Highly flammable substances must not be brought into or used in any part of the building.

e) Prior to any function, the hirer should consider what action would be necessary in the event of a fire or other emergency and how evacuation of the Hall can be undertaken safely. In the event of a fire, the Hall should be evacuated in an orderly manner and the Fire Services called by dialling 999. There is no telephone on the premises and the hirer must have with them a mobile phone for contacting the emergency services.

f) No persons under 16 are permitted in the kitchen.

g) The first aid box shall be readily available to all users and is in the kitchen.

h) All electrical equipment brought onto the premises must be safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner.

i) A step ladder may only be used when a second person in attendance and you must follow safety precautions.

j) Lone attendance is not advised. All lone hirers should have a mobile phone with them at all times and to notify a third party of their attendance at the Hall.

k) All users must take care when getting on or off the stage.
7. Supervision.
The hirer or person in charge of the activity shall not be under 18 years of age and shall be on the premises for the entire period of the hire or duration of the activity.
8. Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.
The West Harptree Memorial hall committee have a Safeguarding Policy in place which applies to activities solely organised and run by the committee and is available via our website. 

All groups/hirers of the hall are required to have their own Safeguarding Policy/Procedure in place to apply to all the activities they organise. This is particularly important when the activities are aimed at vulnerable adults and/or children.
9. Premises Licence and The Sale of Alcohol.
Our entertainment licence is from 09:00 to 00:00 it can be extended to 01:00 on Friday and Saturday nights or at Christmas and New Years Eve (if they fall on a weekday) at the discretion of the Village Hall Committee.

a) The hirer is not permitted in any circumstances under the Licencing Act 2003 to sell intoxicating liquor without a licence including events where alcohol is provided as part of the ticket.  The Committee has a full licence to serve alcohol, if you would like one of our trained volunteers to run the bar, please make us aware via the booking form on the website. All bar profits will be passed back to the Hall. Please check availability prior to booking, the bar is staffed by volunteers, so it may not always be available at the required times.

b) Alcohol must not be taken outside of the Hall into the car park or public road.

c) Alcohol must not be served to any person under the age of 18 years or consumed by anyone under 18 years of age.

10. Storage.
If available, the Village Hall may provide lockable storage space for regular users. A key deposit will be charged. These keys may not be copied without prior permission from the Village Hal Committee and, at all times, remain the property of the Village Hall.

The Village Hall accepts no liability for loss or damage for any stored equipment or other property brought onto or left at the premises. 
All equipment and property other than that stored on the premises by agreement, must be removed at the end of each hire period or storage period. The Village Hall may dispose of any such items 7 days thereafter at its discretion, (by sale or otherwise) on such terms and conditions as it thinks fi. It may also charge the hirer daily storage fees and costs incurred in storing and selling or otherwise disposing of the items.
11. Interruption of Regular Bookings.
If a hirer is a regular weekly user, the Village Hall reserves the right to cancel all, or part of, certain bookings in favour of one-off bookings such as a polling station for a local or general election or other large event. Such cancellations shall not occur more than once a month, and at least four weeks’ notice shall be given of such cancellation.

The Village Hall reserves the right to nominate a specified weekday evening as not being available for regular weekly bookings, so that priority can be given to monthly, or less frequent, bookings.
12. The Hall and The Local Community.
a) Litter shall not be left in or about the Village Hall.  

b) Hirers are responsible for ensuring that the noise level of their function is not such as to interfere with, or cause inconvenience to nearby residents. Any complaints to the Committee may result in the Hall being closed without notice. Any monies paid will not be refunded.
13. Insurance.
We have buildings and public liability insurance which covers the hall should someone be injured or their property damaged as a result of our negligence, however all groups and individuals hiring the hall are responsible for taking out their own insurance for the activities they undertake to cover their own liabilities. This is very important. 
The hirer is also responsible for ensuring that any catering company or operator hired to bring equipment such as bouncy castles onto the premises has relevant and appropriate insurance, which shall include but is not limited to public liability insurance.

14. Cleaning and Security.
All users must leave the premises clean and tidy. Any spillages must be cleared up immediately. The Hall does not have the facilities to dispose of recycling and only a small bin for landfill, so please take any rubbish away with you at the end of the session for recycling. Cleaning equipment is available in the kitchen under the sink.

Please return any equipment to its rightful place. The hirer is responsible for securing the hall at the end of the session and if relevant, returning the key to the booking volunteer or other committee member. 
15. Equipment.
The hiring fee includes the use of the kitchen and multimedia equipment, please note a device with a full-sized HDMI port is required. Please treat these with care, leave them clean and return them to their correct storage place. The minimum you require to present a presentation is a USB stick, we have a PC, keyboard and mouse.

Please notify the Bookings Volunteer or a designated representative of any breakages immediately.

Should we find any piece of equipment broken, we reserve the right to charge the hirer an amount up to 100% of the cost of replacing that item. Please make sure the tables and chairs are clean and returned to their correct storage area. Chairs must be stacked safely at the end of each session. 
16. Car Parking.
The small car park outside the Hall and adjacent private car park will accommodate a limited number of cars. Please ensure that vehicles in the private car park are parked on the chippings only, as access to the owners’ property is always required. Please do not park in the entrance to the farm opposite the Hall. The Village Hall Committee is not responsible for damage to, theft of or from any vehicles whilst parked on the Village Hall property.

 17. Key Holders.
Keys are given to trusted members of the community and regular users of the hall after payment of a refundable deposit. All key holders are responsible for their keys, we will revoke access if we find that the following rules are breached:
a)    The issued key(s) will remain the property of West Harptree Memorial Hall.
b)    The key is issued only for a member’s sole use, it may be transferred to another member for the use of the relevant booking.  It must not be loaned or otherwise provided for the use of anyone else under any circumstances.
c)     The key holder is responsible for any abuse or damage caused by the use of the key.
d)    The site is to be left secure at all times and at the end of the booking.
e)    The key(s) must be returned when they are no longer required or if the Key Holder ceases to be entitled to hold them.
f)    No copies of the key(s) are to be made under any circumstances.
g)    The key(s) cannot be transferred to any third party
h)    West Harptree Memorial Hall Committee reserves the right to withdraw the key(s) without reason at any time giving 7 working days notice in writing.
i)    The key holder may terminate this agreement without reason, giving the Committee 7 working days notice.  Any deposit due to the Key Holder will be paid at the time that the key(s) have been returned.
j)    The keyholder will only use the key when it has been booked, users are not permitted to use or enter the hall outside of the booking period without the express permission of the hall committee.

18. Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR).
The Committee recognises its responsibility to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The Data Protection Act 2018 came into force on the 25th May 2018 this Act supersedes the Data Protection Act 1998. The Act applies to ‘personal data’ which is data relating to a living person who can be identified from that data. ‘Processing data’ means any operation performed on that personal data such as collection, recording or use. The Committee may hold data that relates to living individuals and does process data in order to perform its role. When dealing with personal data, The Committee must ensure that:
a) DATA IS PROCESSED FAIRLY AND LAWFULLY: The Committee will be open and honest about why information is required.


c) DATA IS RELEVANT: Data will be monitored so that too much or too little is not kept; only data that is needed will be held.

d) DATA IS ACCURATE AND KEPT UP TO DATE Only accurate personal data will be kept. Inaccurate data will be corrected.


f) DATA IS PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS: Individuals will be informed, upon request, of all the information held about them.

g) IT IS KEPT SECURELY – Only Committee members duties relating to their role will be able to access the data. Data will be stored securely.
19. Equal Opportunities.
The Committee aims to ensure that policies and practices, including any rules or requirements, do not directly or indirectly discriminate and are applied in a non-discriminatory manner. The Committee will not unlawfully discriminate against anyone booking the Village Hall. We aim, as far as reasonably practicable to ensure that all our working practices and decisions are applied fairly and consistently and, where necessary, we will take reasonable steps to avoid or overcome any disadvantage these may cause and to promote equality.
20. COVID-19.
As with all other public venues, the Covid rules have been removed.  We will keep the alcohol hand gel station in the front door and we will ask our users to clean up after their period of hire.
We encourage our visitors to be safe and take responsibility for their own wellbeing.  
Reviewed January 2023

West Harptree Memorial Hall Booking Terms and Conditions 1. Use of the Village Hall. Use of the Village Hall is subject to the following terms and the standard conditions incorporated in the hiring agreement. The right to refuse any application for the use of the Village Hall facilities is reserved by the Committee, as is the right to cancel bookings when the premises are deemed unsuitable for the intended use. We cannot guarantee that all the facilities laid out in sections 9 and 15 will be available. The hirer must ensure that they understand the hire conditions for the time their booking applies. Updated Terms and Conditions for Booking are West Harptree Memorial Hall website. Hall | West Harptree Memorial Hall | West Harptree ( Booking requests should be made via the website. Booking | West Harptree Memorial Hall | West Harptree ( These Terms and Conditions for Booking apply to regular and ad-hoc hirers. 2. Payment. Payment is in advance. Once the booking is placed via the website, an invoice will be emailed to the hirer and once full payment is made, the booking is then confirmed. For large events or parties, we may ask for a breakage deposit of £100, which will be in addition to your hire payment. Once we are satisfied that no damage or breakages have occurred, we will refund you the deposit, which will be no more than 7 days after the event. 3. Cancellation by the Hirer. If you wish to cancel the booking, please email giving at least 24 hours notice for standard hire or 14 days notice for a large event. If notice to cancel the booking is within the 24-hour period and the Committee is unable to re-book, the Committee may, at their discretion, withhold part or all of the deposit or hire charge already paid. 4. Cancellation by The Committee. The Village Hall Committee reserves the right to cancel a hiring by written notice (by letter, email, text message or any other form of communication) to the hirer in the event of the premises being required for use as a polling station for a parliamentary or local government election, by-election, referendum, a one off event or if the Village Hall. The Committee also reserves the right to cancel the booking if they reasonably consider that: a) Such hiring may lead to a breach of the licensing conditions, or other legal or statutory requirements or, b) Unlawful or unsuitable activities may take place at the premises as a result of the hiring or, c) the Premises have become unfit for the use intended by the hirer, or d) the hall is required as an emergency hub. In any such case the hirer shall be entitled to a refund of any deposit or hire fees already paid, but the Village Hall shall not be liable for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages. 5. Maximum Capacity. Those who hire the hall will be required to comply with the risk assessment set by the Memorial Hall Committee, a copy is available on request and on our website. The recommended capacity is 100 people. 6. Safety Requirements. a) Obstructions must not be placed in the gangways or exits, or in front of the emergency exits which must be permanently available for exit. b) Firefighting equipment shall be kept in its proper location and only used for its intended use. Under no circumstances should they be used for propping open doors. They should only be taken off the stands for the use for which they are intended. c) You must be familiar with the location of the fire exits and extinguishers before the hall is occupied and the manner of opening fire doors should be made known to your group or guests. d) Highly flammable substances must not be brought into or used in any part of the building. e) Prior to any function, the hirer should consider what action would be necessary in the event of a fire or other emergency and how evacuation of the Hall can be undertaken safely. In the event of a fire, the Hall should be evacuated in an orderly manner and the Fire Services called by dialling 999. There is no telephone on the premises and the hirer must have with them a mobile phone for contacting the emergency services. f) No persons under 16 are permitted in the kitchen. g) The first aid box shall be readily available to all users and is in the kitchen. h) All electrical equipment brought onto the premises must be safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner. i) A step ladder may only be used when a second person in attendance and you must follow safety precautions. j) Lone attendance is not advised. All lone hirers should have a mobile phone with them at all times and to notify a third party of their attendance at the Hall. k) All users must take care when getting on or off the stage. 7. Supervision. The hirer or person in charge of the activity shall not be under 18 years of age and shall be on the premises for the entire period of the hire or duration of the activity. 8. Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults. The West Harptree Memorial hall committee have a Safeguarding Policy in place which applies to activities solely organised and run by the committee and is available via our website. All groups/hirers of the hall are required to have their own Safeguarding Policy/Procedure in place to apply to all the activities they organise. This is particularly important when the activities are aimed at vulnerable adults and/or children. 9. Premises Licence and The Sale of Alcohol. Our entertainment licence is from 09:00 to 00:00 it can be extended to 01:00 on Friday and Saturday nights or at Christmas and New Years Eve (if they fall on a weekday) at the discretion of the Village Hall Committee. a) The hirer is not permitted in any circumstances under the Licencing Act 2003 to sell intoxicating liquor without a licence including events where alcohol is provided as part of the ticket. The Committee has a full licence to serve alcohol, if you would like one of our trained volunteers to run the bar, please make us aware via the booking form on the website. All bar profits will be passed back to the Hall. Please check availability prior to booking, the bar is staffed by volunteers, so it may not always be available at the required times. b) Alcohol must not be taken outside of the Hall into the car park or public road. c) Alcohol must not be served to any person under the age of 18 years or consumed by anyone under 18 years of age. 10. Storage. If available, the Village Hall may provide lockable storage space for regular users. A key deposit will be charged. These keys may not be copied without prior permission from the Village Hal Committee and, at all times, remain the property of the Village Hall. The Village Hall accepts no liability for loss or damage for any stored equipment or other property brought onto or left at the premises. All equipment and property other than that stored on the premises by agreement, must be removed at the end of each hire period or storage period. The Village Hall may dispose of any such items 7 days thereafter at its discretion, (by sale or otherwise) on such terms and conditions as it thinks fi. It may also charge the hirer daily storage fees and costs incurred in storing and selling or otherwise disposing of the items. 11. Interruption of Regular Bookings. If a hirer is a regular weekly user, the Village Hall reserves the right to cancel all, or part of, certain bookings in favour of one-off bookings such as a polling station for a local or general election or other large event. Such cancellations shall not occur more than once a month, and at least four weeks’ notice shall be given of such cancellation. The Village Hall reserves the right to nominate a specified weekday evening as not being available for regular weekly bookings, so that priority can be given to monthly, or less frequent, bookings. 12. The Hall and The Local Community. a) Litter shall not be left in or about the Village Hall. b) Hirers are responsible for ensuring that the noise level of their function is not such as to interfere with, or cause inconvenience to nearby residents. Any complaints to the Committee may result in the Hall being closed without notice. Any monies paid will not be refunded. 13. Insurance. We have buildings and public liability insurance which covers the hall should someone be injured or their property damaged as a result of our negligence, however all groups and individuals hiring the hall are responsible for taking out their own insurance for the activities they undertake to cover their own liabilities. This is very important. The hirer is also responsible for ensuring that any catering company or operator hired to bring equipment such as bouncy castles onto the premises has relevant and appropriate insurance, which shall include but is not limited to public liability insurance. 14. Cleaning and Security. All users must leave the premises clean and tidy. Any spillages must be cleared up immediately. The Hall does not have the facilities to dispose of recycling and only a small bin for landfill, so please take any rubbish away with you at the end of the session for recycling. Cleaning equipment is available in the kitchen under the sink. Please return any equipment to its rightful place. The hirer is responsible for securing the hall at the end of the session and if relevant, returning the key to the booking volunteer or other committee member. 15. Equipment. The hiring fee includes the use of the kitchen and multimedia equipment, please note a device with a full-sized HDMI port is required. Please treat these with care, leave them clean and return them to their correct storage place. The minimum you require to present a presentation is a USB stick, we have a PC, keyboard and mouse. Please notify the Bookings Volunteer or a designated representative of any breakages immediately. Should we find any piece of equipment broken, we reserve the right to charge the hirer an amount up to 100% of the cost of replacing that item. Please make sure the tables and chairs are clean and returned to their correct storage area. Chairs must be stacked safely at the end of each session. 16. Car Parking. The small car park outside the Hall and adjacent private car park will accommodate a limited number of cars. Please ensure that vehicles in the private car park are parked on the chippings only, as access to the owners’ property is always required. Please do not park in the entrance to the farm opposite the Hall. The Village Hall Committee is not responsible for damage to, theft of or from any vehicles whilst parked on the Village Hall property. 17. Key Holders. Keys are given to trusted members of the community and regular users of the hall after payment of a refundable deposit. All key holders are responsible for their keys, we will revoke access if we find that the following rules are breached: a)The issued key(s) will remain the property of West Harptree Memorial Hall. b)The key is issued only for a member’s sole use, it may be transferred to another member for the use of the relevant booking. It must not be loaned or otherwise provided for the use of anyone else under any circumstances. c) The key holder is responsible for any abuse or damage caused by the use of the key. d)The site is to be left secure at all times and at the end of the booking. e)The key(s) must be returned when they are no longer required or if the Key Holder ceases to be entitled to hold them. f)No copies of the key(s) are to be made under any circumstances. g)The key(s) cannot be transferred to any third party h)West Harptree Memorial Hall Committee reserves the right to withdraw the key(s) without reason at any time giving 7 working days notice in writing. i)The key holder may terminate this agreement without reason, giving the Committee 7 working days notice. Any deposit due to the Key Holder will be paid at the time that the key(s) have been returned. j)The keyholder will only use the key when it has been booked, users are not permitted to use or enter the hall outside of the booking period without the express permission of the hall committee. 18. Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR). The Committee recognises its responsibility to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The Data Protection Act 2018 came into force on the 25th May 2018 this Act supersedes the Data Protection Act 1998. The Act applies to ‘personal data’ which is data relating to a living person who can be identified from that data. ‘Processing data’ means any operation performed on that personal data such as collection, recording or use. The Committee may hold data that relates to living individuals and does process data in order to perform its role. When dealing with personal data, The Committee must ensure that: a) DATA IS PROCESSED FAIRLY AND LAWFULLY: The Committee will be open and honest about why information is required. b) DATA IS PROCESSED FOR SPECIFIED PURPOSES ONLY. c) DATA IS RELEVANT: Data will be monitored so that too much or too little is not kept; only data that is needed will be held. d) DATA IS ACCURATE AND KEPT UP TO DATE Only accurate personal data will be kept. Inaccurate data will be corrected. e) DATA IS NOT KEPT LONGER THAN IT IS NEEDED. f) DATA IS PROCESSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS: Individuals will be informed, upon request, of all the information held about them. g) IT IS KEPT SECURELY – Only Committee members duties relating to their role will be able to access the data. Data will be stored securely. 19. Equal Opportunities. The Committee aims to ensure that policies and practices, including any rules or requirements, do not directly or indirectly discriminate and are applied in a non-discriminatory manner. The Committee will not unlawfully discriminate against anyone booking the Village Hall. We aim, as far as reasonably practicable to ensure that all our working practices and decisions are applied fairly and consistently and, where necessary, we will take reasonable steps to avoid or overcome any disadvantage these may cause and to promote equality. 20. COVID-19. As with all other public venues, the Covid rules have been removed. We will keep the alcohol hand gel station in the front door and we will ask our users to clean up after their period of hire. We encourage our visitors to be safe and take responsibility for their own wellbeing. Reviewed January 2023

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